Try to make sure you explore all around your capital because shooting off to the south and then later discovering there was an awesome spot just north of your capital can be disastrous. You also want to suss out where your opponents are. You can be sure they will expand so if there is a valuable resource you want between your civilizations then snatch it as quickly as you can.

How to Avoid Getting Attacked

One of the keys to winning Civilization V is to avoid getting attacked. You will likely fight wars no matter what victory condition you are chasing but you want to fight them on your terms when you are prepared. There are certain things which will encourage opponents to attack you and it is worth being aware of them.

If you don’t build a reasonably strong military they’ll perceive you as weak and take it as an invite to steamroller you. You don’t need loads of units but make sure the force you do have is up to date. When you develop new military advances upgrade your existing units as soon as you can. Concentrate your forces near the border and if you see enemy troops building up it is safe to assume they are thinking about attacking so get prepared.

If you are completely isolated and don’t trade with other civilizations then they are more likely to attack you. Make deals to exchange resources. Even if they don’t have anything you want it can still be worthwhile trading your excess resources for cash or even just goodwill. If that civilization goes to war with you they will lose the resource you are trading so it can be a powerful deterrent.

Sadly if you become too successful, build too many Wonders or get too far advanced in terms of scientific knowledge the others are liable to view you as a threat that has to be ganged up on. This is tough to avoid when the game goes well and you’ll need a mixture of trade and a strong military to prevent invasion.

Offense is the best Defense

If war is unavoidable then immediately switch to military production. Fighting a defensive war is costly and it will hamper your development. You don’t want to fight a war on your own territory. The best thing to do is to launch an attack on one of their cities as quickly as possible. The fastest way to end a war is to take one of their cities. If you sit back and defend then they will have little incentive to stop attacking you.

Securing Resources

In order to thrive in Civ 5 you need access to a wide range of resources. Luxuries will massively boost your population’s happiness (which we’ll discuss in more detail in the next section). You’ll also need basic resources like horses, iron and later on oil. Unfortunately many of these vital resources only appear on the map when you develop the right technology. Make sure you secure as many resources as you can when you build your first few cities and when later resources appear grab them quick.

Civ 5 How To Capture A City State

It is worth remembering that just because you build a city in the vicinity of a resource that doesn’t mean you will get it. Civ 5 features a system whereby outlying tiles can be bought by the city. If you have a resource you want on the border then buy that tile as soon as you can afford it. If you don’t then you run the risk of an opponent building really close in order to steal it from you.

There will inevitably be resources that you can’t secure directly by city building and so you’ll have to trade for them. For that reason it is worth securing as much as you can of each resource, remember to retain one for yourself and only trade your excess. Becoming allies with city states will result in them supplying you with any resources they have and it’s easier than maintaining good relations with some of the other civilizations, although you will need to attempt this as well.

Staying Happy

The importance of having a happy population is not to be underestimated. If your people become unhappy in Civ 5 then you’re going to end up with low production, dwindling cash and you’ll be unable to expand your empire. Make sure you construct buildings which increase happiness in all your cities, secure as many luxuries as you can and if your happiness rating is low target social policies and wonders that contribute to happiness in order to boost it.

Another major factor that can damage happiness is conquest. If you take a city from another civilization it will have a big impact and you’ll need to construct several buildings to settle the population down. It is often better to use the puppet option to reduce the impact on happiness when you take a city (you can always annex it later when your happiness is higher).

Maintaining a high level of happiness will trigger more Golden Ages for your civilization and you’ll get bonuses (these vary depending on the civilization you choose).

Cash Flow

A good supply of money is vital to grease the wheels as your civilization rolls onward. If your cash flow dwindles then so will your progress. Be careful about how many units, improvements and buildings you are constructing – they all have an associated cost. A large military, huge rail network and theatres in every city have to be counterbalanced by trading your excess resources, constructing economic buildings like markets and banks, and improving the right tiles with your workers.

On that note be careful that you improve tiles that are actually occupied (you can check this in the city screen). It is a waste of time and money to improve unused tiles. You should also avoid building road or rail on every tile, just link cities directly. You’ll want plenty of workers to start with but as the land is increasingly improved you can afford to disband some of them. There’s no point having a big gang of workers if there isn’t enough for them to do.


Just because you aren’t aiming to get a scientific victory doesn’t mean you can scrimp on research. It is dangerous to fall behind in terms of technological advancement. Make sure you build some libraries and universities and take advantage of the research pact agreements you can sign with other civilizations. If a bordering nation gets military tech you don’t have then you better make sure you catch up quick!

City States

It is well worth gaining City States as allies for pretty much any victory condition. They offer all sorts of bonuses and for some civilizations these can be massive. You can get food, troops, cultural bonuses and resources from City States. You can also boost this strategy by pursuing the Patronage line in Social Policies.

High Score

Be careful when the year 2050 AD is approaching and make sure that no other civilization has a higher score than you. You can check the scores on your diplomacy screen. If they do then you better launch an attack to try and overtake them. You’ll also have to watch out for anyone hitting the target for one of the other victory conditions and snatching a win before the deadline. Do what you can to hamper the win and gain a high score victory.

Now we’ll move on to the other Civilization 5 victory conditions and offer up more Civ 5 tips and tricks to get that all important win.

This post is part of the series: Civilization V: Guide to Victory

This guide will show you how to win Civilization 5. We explain the best approach for each victory condition and suggest strategies that will pay off. You’ll find the best civilizations, wonders, buildings, policies and general strategies for any kind of Civ 5 victory here.
I often see new players asking relatively easily-answerable questions. I also see intermediate-level players asking the very same questions, so I thought I should go ahead and answer them. In addition, some of the tips given in other posts are unhelpful or flat out untrue. If you find yourself not doing as well as you expect and you don’t understand why, this is the post for you.
I myself am an Immortal/Emperor player (Deity just isn’t fun for me) with 400 hours of play. Note that the following tips are for the Gods and Kings expansion.

When do I go up in difficulty?

This is a great question. The best way to gauge your ability to go up in difficulty is your ability to win through Science – you’ll learn the military and diplomacy after you go up in level. The numbers below indicate when to move to the corresponding level from the previous. (these are just suggestions)

How do I manage my armies? I keep losing/I cant take that city!

  1. Don’t bother with melee units, mostly. Get all ranged units and 1-2 cavalry only if you plan on conquering enemy cities. Don’t get siege units until Artillery (Dynamite Tech), just use Archery units.
  2. Tactic: set your ranged units all around the city and bombard it- keep a single mounted unit nearby (usually 3 tiles away from the city) to swoop in and capture. EDIT: Have a 1-2 melee units with Shock I, Cover II and Medic to tank bombardments. Keep him slightly damaged to bait AI attacks for easy capturing.

How To Capture City Civ 5 Free

  1. Get the 3 levels of either the rough or open terrain bonuses (Shock/Drill and Accuracy/Barrage)
  2. Now you can go for Logistics on ranged units, which lets you attack twice in one turn, or go for Range to extend your reach; for melee/infantry, get Cover/Medic to tank damage for your ranged units.
  3. NEVER get both rough AND open bonuses and don’t bother with Cover/Medic/Seige, etc until level 6. The same principle works for naval/air units too.

How do I expand early?

How do I manage my culture?/What policies should I go for??

  1. Full Tradition: Legalism, Monarchy (less unhappiness), then Landed Elite and finish up Tradition. Snowballs later with awesome growth on first 4 cities you settle. Probably the easiest too. (no building monuments!)
  2. Liberty/Mixed: (optionally) Open Tradition then open liberty and go for Collective Rule and Citizenship for the free settler/worker. You can either finish liberty now or you can go back and do tradition. A great trick is if you have monuments built, Legalism in Trad can give you Ampitheathers; you can even get free Opera Houses this way. Good for culture games as a result.
  1. Never go Honor. Some people always try to make it work, but high level players will always tell you the same thing; it cripples you and stunts your expansion. Exception: VERY early rushes (< turn 20)
  2. Never go Piety/Patronage. EDIT: They can be great too! Piety is often mandatory for culture wins and patronage is great too. But new players would improve simply by skipping them.
  3. Commerce is okay but its only worth it if Rationalism isn’t unlocked. Otherwise, don’t bother.
  1. Tradition-Rationalism-Freedom (4 city science)
  2. Traditon/Liberty-Piety-Freedom-Tradition/Liberty-something (4 city culture victory, or if you just have a lot of culture)
  3. Liberty-Rationalism-Autocracy (military focused empire)

Civ 5 City Hp

  1. Even if you decide to fill out Liberty, make sure you finish tradition if you’re going for a small, tall empire (1-4 large cities).
  2. Rationalism is the best tree, and must always be filled out. Closing it gets you 2 free technologies, so time that policy with your research for maximum efficiency. You can leave it unfinished and close it later too for 2 late-game techs. Example: finish Rat and use it to get Telecom and Globalization free to build UN for Diplo victory.
  3. Although I didn’t mention it earler, Order is great too if you have a wide empire and you don’t plan on winning domination. Planned Economy is awesome for science output. It just works on anything, you can substitute it anywhere.
  4. Every new city you own makes policies cost much more. Stick to 3-4 for best efficiency. Puppets don’t count, but razed cities do. Never raze cities if you’re going culture.
  5. Patronage is great to open and get Aesthetics. Then, if you pledge to protect you have indefinite friendship from city states! Don’t go deeper unless you’re playing Siam/Greece though.
  6. Piety is great but only if you’re going for a culture victory. Otherwise, it’s not worth it since its nerf in G&K. Then again, you might be able to make good use of it.

How do I keep my Science output high?

  1. Prioritize growth buildings after science ones. Granary, Water Mill, etc.
  2. Make sure you always have enough workers. A terrible oversight is only having 2-3 workers by turn 90. You should have as many as you can handle, and build tons of farms. That will make your cities significantly larger by endgame.
  3. Always keep your empire happy. Prioritize happiness buildings after science and before growth if your empire is almost unhappy. (also gives +15% science with Rationalism)
  4. ALWAYS aim for Civil Service (extra food on riverside farms) and Fertilizer (extra food on all farms). Both are great techs.

How do I cultivate my religion? (don’t miss out on a religion in G&K!)


Oops! I ran out of space! Part 2 anyone? (only if you guys ask me though!) Maybe I’ll make a thorough Culture/Dom walkthrough! Oh, and please ask me your questions! I’ll answer every single one!!
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